Lived Experience Matters: Automatic Detection of Stigma on Social Media Toward People Who Use Substances


この論文では、約 5,000 件の Reddit の公開投稿のデータセットを使用して、PWUS に対する偏見を調査しています。
私たちはクラウドソーシングによる注釈タスクを実行しました。このタスクでは、労働者は各投稿に PWUS に対する偏見の存在について注釈を付け、薬物使用の経験に関する一連の質問に答えるよう求められます。
これに基づいて、私たちは教師あり機械学習フレームワークを使用し、実際の薬物使用経験を持つ労働者を中心に、Reddit の各投稿に非難のラベルを付けます。
コメントレベルの言語に加えて人物レベルの人口統計をモデリングすると、分類精度 (AUC で測定) が 0.69 になり、モデリング言語のみに比べて 17% 向上します。
最後に、私たちは非難的なコンテンツを区別する言語学者の手がかりを探ります。PWUS 物質と、他者 (「人々」、「彼ら」) や「中毒者」のような用語に関する言語に同意しない人々は、偏見を与えるものであるのに対し、PWUS (それらとは対照的に)


Stigma toward people who use substances (PWUS) is a leading barrier to seeking treatment.Further, those in treatment are more likely to drop out if they experience higher levels of stigmatization. While related concepts of hate speech and toxicity, including those targeted toward vulnerable populations, have been the focus of automatic content moderation research, stigma and, in particular, people who use substances have not. This paper explores stigma toward PWUS using a data set of roughly 5,000 public Reddit posts. We performed a crowd-sourced annotation task where workers are asked to annotate each post for the presence of stigma toward PWUS and answer a series of questions related to their experiences with substance use. Results show that workers who use substances or know someone with a substance use disorder are more likely to rate a post as stigmatizing. Building on this, we use a supervised machine learning framework that centers workers with lived substance use experience to label each Reddit post as stigmatizing. Modeling person-level demographics in addition to comment-level language results in a classification accuracy (as measured by AUC) of 0.69 — a 17% increase over modeling language alone. Finally, we explore the linguist cues which distinguish stigmatizing content: PWUS substances and those who don’t agree that language around othering (‘people’, ‘they’) and terms like ‘addict’ are stigmatizing, while PWUS (as opposed to those who do not) find discussions around specific substances more stigmatizing. Our findings offer insights into the nature of perceived stigma in substance use. Additionally, these results further establish the subjective nature of such machine learning tasks, highlighting the need for understanding their social contexts.


著者 Salvatore Giorgi,Douglas Bellew,Daniel Roy Sadek Habib,Garrick Sherman,Joao Sedoc,Chase Smitterberg,Amanda Devoto,McKenzie Himelein-Wachowiak,Brenda Curtis
発行日 2023-07-16 11:26:31+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク