Glamour muscles: why having a body is not what it means to be embodied


最近、実施形態は、スマート マシンの機能を拡張する手段として新たな注目を集めています。
\unicode{x2013}$つまり、特定の身体を $\textit{構成}$ する意味に参加することです。
したがって、厳密には物理空間を横断することができないコンピュータ プログラムは、適切な条件下では、歩いたり話したりするロボットよりも具体化される可能性があるということになります。


Embodiment has recently enjoyed renewed consideration as a means to amplify the faculties of smart machines. Proponents of embodiment seem to imply that optimizing for movement in physical space promotes something more than the acquisition of niche capabilities for solving problems in physical space. However, there is nothing in principle which should so distinguish the problem of action selection in physical space from the problem of action selection in more abstract spaces, like that of language. Rather, what makes embodiment persuasive as a means toward higher intelligence is that it promises to capture, but does not actually realize, contingent facts about certain bodies (living intelligence) and the patterns of activity associated with them. These include an active resistance to annihilation and revisable constraints on the processes that make the world intelligible. To be theoretically or practically useful beyond the creation of niche tools, we argue that ‘embodiment’ cannot be the trivial fact of a body, nor its movement through space, but the perpetual negotiation of the function, design, and integrity of that body$\unicode{x2013}$that is, to participate in what it means to $\textit{constitute}$ a given body. It follows that computer programs which are strictly incapable of traversing physical space might, under the right conditions, be more embodied than a walking, talking robot.


著者 Shawn L. Beaulieu,Sam Kriegman
発行日 2023-07-17 16:09:24+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク