PEGG-Net: Pixel-Wise Efficient Grasp Generation in Complex Scenes


次に、複雑なシーンでの把握の問題に取り組むために、Pixel-wise Efficient Grasp Generation Network (PEGG-Net) を設計します。
PEGG-Net は、複雑な構造を導入することなく、Cornell データセットで最先端のパフォーマンス (98.9%) の向上、Jacquard データセットで 2 番目に優れたパフォーマンス (93.8%) を達成し、他の既存のアルゴリズムを上回ります。
第三に、PEGG-Net は、位置ベースのビジュアル サーボ (PBVS) を使用して、動的な環境での堅牢性を高めるために閉ループ方式で動作できます。
コミュニティに役立つように、トレーニング済みモデルと補足資料は で入手できます。


Vision-based grasp estimation is an essential part of robotic manipulation tasks in the real world. Existing planar grasp estimation algorithms have been demonstrated to work well in relatively simple scenes. But when it comes to complex scenes, such as cluttered scenes with messy backgrounds and moving objects, the algorithms from previous works are prone to generate inaccurate and unstable grasping contact points. In this work, we first study the existing planar grasp estimation algorithms and analyze the related challenges in complex scenes. Secondly, we design a Pixel-wise Efficient Grasp Generation Network (PEGG-Net) to tackle the problem of grasping in complex scenes. PEGG-Net can achieve improved state-of-the-art performance on the Cornell dataset (98.9%) and second-best performance on the Jacquard dataset (93.8%), outperforming other existing algorithms without the introduction of complex structures. Thirdly, PEGG-Net could operate in a closed-loop manner for added robustness in dynamic environments using position-based visual servoing (PBVS). Finally, we conduct real-world experiments on static, dynamic, and cluttered objects in different complex scenes. The results show that our proposed network achieves a high success rate in grasping irregular objects, household objects, and workshop tools. To benefit the community, our trained model and supplementary materials are available at


著者 Haozhe Wang,Zhiyang Liu,Lei Zhou,Huan Yin,Marcelo H Ang Jr
発行日 2023-07-13 09:52:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク