Metropolis Sampling for Constrained Diffusion Models


しかし、実際の多くの設定では、そのような多様体は一連の制約によって定義されており、既存の (リーマンの) 拡散モデル方法論ではカバーされていません。
このペーパーでは、以前のサンプラーと比較して計算効率と経験的パフォーマンスが大幅に向上する、メトロポリス サンプリングに基づく代替の単純なノイズ スキームを紹介します。


Denoising diffusion models have recently emerged as the predominant paradigm for generative modelling. Their extension to Riemannian manifolds has facilitated their application to an array of problems in the natural sciences. Yet, in many practical settings, such manifolds are defined by a set of constraints and are not covered by the existing (Riemannian) diffusion model methodology. Recent work has attempted to address this issue by employing novel noising processes based on logarithmic barrier methods or reflected Brownian motions. However, the associated samplers are computationally burdensome as the complexity of the constraints increases. In this paper, we introduce an alternative simple noising scheme based on Metropolis sampling that affords substantial gains in computational efficiency and empirical performance compared to the earlier samplers. Of independent interest, we prove that this new process corresponds to a valid discretisation of the reflected Brownian motion. We demonstrate the scalability and flexibility of our approach on a range of problem settings with convex and non-convex constraints, including applications from geospatial modelling, robotics and protein design.


著者 Nic Fishman,Leo Klarner,Emile Mathieu,Michael Hutchinson,Valentin de Bortoli
発行日 2023-07-11 17:05:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク