BTPK-based interpretable method for NER tasks based on Talmudic Public Announcement Logic


自然言語処理 (NLP) の基本タスクの 1 つである固有表現認識 (NER) は、情報抽出、構文分析、機械翻訳などの NLP の下流タスクにとって重要な基本ツールです。
BTPK モデルは、入力文の意味情報、つまり文の文脈依存性もキャプチャできます。
私たちは、BTPK の公表が BRNN の内部決定ロジックを示していることを観察し、BTPK モデルから得られた説明は、BRNN が基本的に NER タスクをどのように処理するかを示しています。


As one of the basic tasks in natural language processing (NLP), named entity recognition (NER) is an important basic tool for downstream tasks of NLP, such as information extraction, syntactic analysis, machine translation and so on. The internal operation logic of current name entity recognition model is black-box to the user, so the user has no basis to determine which name entity makes more sense. Therefore, a user-friendly explainable recognition process would be very useful for many people. In this paper, we propose a novel interpretable method, BTPK (Binary Talmudic Public Announcement Logic model), to help users understand the internal recognition logic of the name entity recognition tasks based on Talmudic Public Announcement Logic. BTPK model can also capture the semantic information in the input sentences, that is, the context dependency of the sentence. We observed the public announcement of BTPK presents the inner decision logic of BRNNs, and the explanations obtained from a BTPK model show us how BRNNs essentially handle NER tasks.


著者 Yulin Chen,Beishui Liao,Bruno Bentzen,Bo Yuan,Zelai Yao,Haixiao Chi,Dov Gabbay
発行日 2023-07-11 03:26:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク