Aggregating Credences into Beliefs: Agenda Conditions for Impossibility Results


信念集約の 2 値化では、個々の確率的信念を集合的な 2 値信念に合理的に集約する方法を扱います。
我々は、(1) 経路接続性と偶数否定可能性が、寡頭制の結果の正確なアジェンダ条件を構成していることを示し、命題上の独立性と集合的信念の演繹的閉包を満たす信念の集合を二値化すると、軽微な条件下で寡頭制が生じることを示しています。
(2) 否定連結性は、寡頭制の結果に匿名性を追加することによって得られる自明性の結果の条件です。
(3) ブロック性は不可能な結果の条件であり、集団的信念の完全性と一貫性が追加されます。


Binarizing belief aggregation addresses how to rationally aggregate individual probabilistic beliefs into collective binary beliefs. Similar to the development of judgment aggregation theory, formulating axiomatic requirements, proving impossibility theorems, and identifying exact agenda conditions of impossibility theorems are natural and important research topics in binarizing belief aggregation. Building on our previous research on impossibility theorems, we use an agenda-theoretic approach to generalize the results and to determine the necessary and sufficient level of logical interconnection between the issues in an agenda for the impossibility theorems to arise. We demonstrate that (1) path-connectedness and even-negatability constitute the exact agenda condition for the oligarchy result stating that binarizing belief aggregation satisfying proposition-wise independence and deductive closure of collective beliefs yields the oligarchies under minor conditions; (2) negation-connectedness is the condition for the triviality result obtained by adding anonymity to the oligarchy result; and (3) blockedness is the condition for the impossibility result, which follows by adding completeness and consistency of collective beliefs. Moreover, we compare these novel findings with existing agenda-theoretic characterization theorems in judgment aggregation and belief binarization.


著者 Minkyung Wang,Chisu Kim
発行日 2023-07-11 07:15:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.GT, cs.LO パーマリンク