Teach Me How to Learn: A Perspective Review towards User-centered Neuro-symbolic Learning for Robotic Surgical Systems


別の解決策は、専門家のフィードバックを備えたハイブリッド神経記号学習アプローチ (つまり、人間参加型学習) を通じて、知覚的非記号レベルと概念的象徴レベルの両方をロボットに教えることです。
私たちは、人間参加型の手術ロボット システムに焦点を当てながら、この関連研究を調査します。


Recent advances in machine learning models allowed robots to identify objects on a perceptual nonsymbolic level (e.g., through sensor fusion and natural language understanding). However, these primarily black-box learning models still lack interpretation and transferability and require high data and computational demand. An alternative solution is to teach a robot on both perceptual nonsymbolic and conceptual symbolic levels through hybrid neurosymbolic learning approaches with expert feedback (i.e., human-in-the-loop learning). This work proposes a concept for this user-centered hybrid learning paradigm that focuses on robotic surgical situations. While most recent research focused on hybrid learning for non-robotic and some generic robotic domains, little work focuses on surgical robotics. We survey this related research while focusing on human-in-the-loop surgical robotic systems. This evaluation highlights the most prominent solutions for autonomous surgical robots and the challenges surgeons face when interacting with these systems. Finally, we envision possible ways to address these challenges using online apprenticeship learning based on implicit and explicit feedback from expert surgeons.


著者 Amr Gomaa,Bilal Mahdy,Niko Kleer,Michael Feld,Frank Kirchner,Antonio Krüger
発行日 2023-07-07 21:58:28+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク