On the curvature of the loss landscape


最新の深層学習における主な課題の 1 つは、有限データでトレーニングした場合に、このような過剰にパラメーター化されたモデルがなぜ非常に優れたパフォーマンスを発揮するのかを理解することです。


One of the main challenges in modern deep learning is to understand why such over-parameterized models perform so well when trained on finite data. A way to analyze this generalization concept is through the properties of the associated loss landscape. In this work, we consider the loss landscape as an embedded Riemannian manifold and show that the differential geometric properties of the manifold can be used when analyzing the generalization abilities of a deep net. In particular, we focus on the scalar curvature, which can be computed analytically for our manifold, and show connections to several settings that potentially imply generalization.


著者 Alison Pouplin,Hrittik Roy,Sidak Pal Singh,Georgios Arvanitidis
発行日 2023-07-10 17:31:39+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク