Learning Fine Pinch-Grasp Skills using Tactile Sensing from Real Demonstration Data


実際の双腕ロボットでの広範な実験により、ワンショットのデモンストレーションから直接学んだ細かいピンチ把握ポリシーの堅牢性と有効性が実証されました。これには、異なる初期ポーズで同じオブジェクトを把握すること、10 個の未確認の新しいオブジェクトに一般化すること、対物体に対する堅牢でしっかりとした把握が含まれます。
このビデオは、\href{https://youtu.be/4Pg29bUBKqs}{https://youtu.be/4Pg29bUBKqs} からオンラインでご覧いただけます。


This work develops a data-efficient learning from demonstration framework which exploits the use of rich tactile sensing and achieves fine dexterous bimanual manipulation. Specifically, we formulated a convolutional autoencoder network that can effectively extract and encode high-dimensional tactile information. Further, we developed a behaviour cloning network that can learn human-like sensorimotor skills demonstrated directly on the robot hardware in the task space by fusing both proprioceptive and tactile feedback. Our comparison study with the baseline method revealed the effectiveness of the contact information, which enabled successful extraction and replication of the demonstrated motor skills. Extensive experiments on real dual-arm robots demonstrated the robustness and effectiveness of the fine pinch grasp policy directly learned from one-shot demonstration, including grasping of the same object with different initial poses, generalizing to ten unseen new objects, robust and firm grasping against external pushes, as well as contact-aware and reactive re-grasping in case of dropping objects under very large perturbations. Moreover, the saliency map method is employed to describe the weight distribution across various modalities during pinch grasping. The video is available online at: \href{https://youtu.be/4Pg29bUBKqs}{https://youtu.be/4Pg29bUBKqs}.


著者 Xiaofeng Mao,Yucheng Xu,Ruoshi Wen,Mohammadreza Kasaei,Wanming Yu,Efi Psomopoulou,Nathan F. Lepora,Zhibin Li
発行日 2023-07-10 15:07:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク