Improving Heterogeneous Graph Learning with Weighted Mixed-Curvature Product Manifold


さまざまな構造を持つデータを忠実に埋め込むための有望な候補は、さまざまな幾何学形状 (球面、双曲面、またはユークリッド) の成分空間の積多様体です。
次に、重み付き積多様体への異種グラフの埋め込みを学習するためのデータ駆動型手法である WEIGHTED-PM を提案します。
合成グラフ データセットと実世界のグラフ データセットに関する広範な実験により、WEIGHTED-PM が入力データから幾何学的歪みが少なく、より優れたグラフ表現を学習でき、単語類似性学習、上位 $k$ の推奨など、複数の下流タスクでより優れたパフォーマンスを発揮できることが実証されました。


In graph representation learning, it is important that the complex geometric structure of the input graph, e.g. hidden relations among nodes, is well captured in embedding space. However, standard Euclidean embedding spaces have a limited capacity in representing graphs of varying structures. A promising candidate for the faithful embedding of data with varying structure is product manifolds of component spaces of different geometries (spherical, hyperbolic, or euclidean). In this paper, we take a closer look at the structure of product manifold embedding spaces and argue that each component space in a product contributes differently to expressing structures in the input graph, hence should be weighted accordingly. This is different from previous works which consider the roles of different components equally. We then propose WEIGHTED-PM, a data-driven method for learning embedding of heterogeneous graphs in weighted product manifolds. Our method utilizes the topological information of the input graph to automatically determine the weight of each component in product spaces. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world graph datasets demonstrate that WEIGHTED-PM is capable of learning better graph representations with lower geometric distortion from input data, and performs better on multiple downstream tasks, such as word similarity learning, top-$k$ recommendation, and knowledge graph embedding.


著者 Tuc Nguyen-Van,Dung D. Le,The-Anh Ta
発行日 2023-07-10 12:20:50+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク