Coordination-free Multi-robot Path Planning for Congestion Reduction Using Topological Reasoning


このような制限は、通信の欠如またはプライバシー制限によって存在する可能性があります (たとえば、自動運転車は、自分の位置や意図を他の車両や、さらには中央サーバーと共有したくない場合があります)。


We consider the problem of multi-robot path planning in a complex, cluttered environment with the aim of reducing overall congestion in the environment, while avoiding any inter-robot communication or coordination. Such limitations may exist due to lack of communication or due to privacy restrictions (for example, autonomous vehicles may not want to share their locations or intents with other vehicles or even to a central server). The key insight that allows us to solve this problem is to stochastically distribute the robots across different routes in the environment by assigning them paths in different topologically distinct classes, so as to lower congestion and the overall travel time for all robots in the environment. We outline the computation of topologically distinct paths in a spatio-temporal configuration space and propose methods for the stochastic assignment of paths to the robots. A fast replanning algorithm and a potential field based controller allow robots to avoid collision with nearby agents while following the assigned path. Our simulation and experiment results show a significant advantage over shortest path following under such a coordination-free setup.


著者 Xiaolong Wang,Alp Sahin,Subhrajit Bhattacharya
発行日 2023-07-09 20:55:43+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク