Registration-Free Hybrid Learning Empowers Simple Multimodal Imaging System for High-quality Fusion Detection


その結果、統合された高品質マルチモーダル特徴マッチング モジュール (AKM) と融合モジュール (WDAF) を備えた CNN と Transformer のハイブリッド学習フレームワークである IA-VFDnet を提案します。
さらに、M3FD データセットの実験により、提案手法の優位性が検証され、IA-VFDnet は従来の登録条件下で他の最先端手法よりも最高の検出パフォーマンスを達成しました。


Multimodal fusion detection always places high demands on the imaging system and image pre-processing, while either a high-quality pre-registration system or image registration processing is costly. Unfortunately, the existing fusion methods are designed for registered source images, and the fusion of inhomogeneous features, which denotes a pair of features at the same spatial location that expresses different semantic information, cannot achieve satisfactory performance via these methods. As a result, we propose IA-VFDnet, a CNN-Transformer hybrid learning framework with a unified high-quality multimodal feature matching module (AKM) and a fusion module (WDAF), in which AKM and DWDAF work in synergy to perform high-quality infrared-aware visible fusion detection, which can be applied to smoke and wildfire detection. Furthermore, experiments on the M3FD dataset validate the superiority of the proposed method, with IA-VFDnet achieving the best detection performance than other state-of-the-art methods under conventional registered conditions. In addition, the first unregistered multimodal smoke and wildfire detection benchmark is openly available in this letter.


著者 Yinghan Guan,Haoran Dai,Zekuan Yu,Shouyu Wang,Yuanjie Gu
発行日 2023-07-07 07:11:37+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク