Vision Through the Veil: Differential Privacy in Federated Learning for Medical Image Classification


直接的なデータ交換を行わずに協調的なモデル トレーニングを可能にするフェデレーション ラーニングは、有望なソリューションとなります。
それにもかかわらず、フェデレーテッド ラーニングには固有の脆弱性があるため、さらなるプライバシー保護が必要です。
ただし、差分プライバシーにおけるプライバシー バジェットを戦略的に調整することで、実質的なプライバシー保護を提供しながら、堅牢な画像分類パフォーマンスを維持できることを実証します。


The proliferation of deep learning applications in healthcare calls for data aggregation across various institutions, a practice often associated with significant privacy concerns. This concern intensifies in medical image analysis, where privacy-preserving mechanisms are paramount due to the data being sensitive in nature. Federated learning, which enables cooperative model training without direct data exchange, presents a promising solution. Nevertheless, the inherent vulnerabilities of federated learning necessitate further privacy safeguards. This study addresses this need by integrating differential privacy, a leading privacy-preserving technique, into a federated learning framework for medical image classification. We introduce a novel differentially private federated learning model and meticulously examine its impacts on privacy preservation and model performance. Our research confirms the existence of a trade-off between model accuracy and privacy settings. However, we demonstrate that strategic calibration of the privacy budget in differential privacy can uphold robust image classification performance while providing substantial privacy protection.


著者 Kishore Babu Nampalle,Pradeep Singh,Uppala Vivek Narayan,Balasubramanian Raman
発行日 2023-06-30 16:48:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 68U10, cs.CR, cs.LG, I.2.1 パーマリンク