Screw and Lie Group Theory in Multibody Dynamics — Recursive Algorithms and Equations of Motion of Tree-Topology Systems


ねじとリー群理論は、マルチボディ システム (MBS) の使いやすいモデリングを可能にすると同時に、計算​​効率の高い再帰アルゴリズムを生み出します。
この論文では、再帰的 $O\left( n\right) $ Newton-Euler アルゴリズムが、ねじれの最も頻繁に使用される 4 つの表現に対して導出され、それらの特定の機能について説明します。
MBS 運動方程式は、リー群公式を使用して閉じた形式で導出されます。
1 つは、いわゆる「オイラー ジョルダン」または「射影」方程式で、ケインの方程式は特殊なケースです。もう 1 つはラグランジュ方程式です。


Screw and Lie group theory allows for user-friendly modeling of multibody systems (MBS) while at the same they give rise to computationally efficient recursive algorithms. The inherent frame invariance of such formulations allows for use of arbitrary reference frames within the kinematics modeling (rather than obeying modeling conventions such as the Denavit-Hartenberg convention) and to avoid introduction of joint frames. The computational efficiency is owed to a representation of twists, accelerations, and wrenches that minimizes the computational effort. This can be directly carried over to dynamics formulations. In this paper recursive $O\left( n\right) $ Newton-Euler algorithms are derived for the four most frequently used representations of twists, and their specific features are discussed. These formulations are related to the corresponding algorithms that were presented in the literature. The MBS motion equations are derived in closed form using the Lie group formulation. One are the so-called ‘Euler-Jourdain’ or ‘projection’ equations, of which Kane’s equations are a special case, and the other are the Lagrange equations. The recursive kinematics formulations are readily extended to higher orders in order to compute derivatives of the motions equations. To this end, recursive formulations for the acceleration and jerk are derived. It is briefly discussed how this can be employed for derivation of the linearized motion equations and their time derivatives. The geometric modeling allows for direct application of Lie group integration methods, which is briefly discussed.


著者 Andreas Mueller
発行日 2023-06-30 16:48:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.NA, cs.RO, math.DG, math.NA, math.OC パーマリンク