Learning Agile Flights through Narrow Gaps with Varying Angles using Onboard Sensing


この論文では、深層強化学習 (DRL) を使用して、クアッドローターの未知の傾斜した狭いギャップを通過する問題に対処します。
トレーニング問題は 2 つの理由から困難です。1 つは、可変傾斜の狭いギャップに対して正確かつ堅牢な全身計画と制御ポリシーが必要であること、もう 1 つは実世界の実験を成功させるには効果的な Sim2Real 手法が必要であることです。


This paper addresses the problem of traversing through unknown, tilted, and narrow gaps for quadrotors using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). Previous learning-based methods relied on accurate knowledge of the environment, including the gap’s pose and size. In contrast, we integrate onboard sensing and detect the gap from a single onboard camera. The training problem is challenging for two reasons: a precise and robust whole-body planning and control policy is required for variable-tilted and narrow gaps, and an effective Sim2Real method is needed to successfully conduct real-world experiments. To this end, we propose a learning framework for agile gap traversal flight, which successfully trains the vehicle to traverse through the center of the gap at an approximate attitude to the gap with aggressive tilted angles. The policy trained only in a simulation environment can be transferred into different domains with fine-tuning while maintaining the success rate. Our proposed framework, which integrates onboard sensing and a neural network controller, achieves a success rate of 84.51% in real-world experiments, with gap orientations up to 60deg. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that performs the learning-based variable-tilted narrow gap traversal flight in the real world, without prior knowledge of the environment.


著者 Yuhan Xie,Minghao Lu,Rui Peng,Peng Lu
発行日 2023-06-30 07:07:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク