N$^2$M$^2$: Learning Navigation for Arbitrary Mobile Manipulation Motions in Unseen and Dynamic Environments


この研究では、この分解を複雑な障害物環境に拡張し、現実世界の設定で幅広いタスクに取り組むことができるようにする、モバイル操作のためのニューラル ナビゲーション (N$^2$M$^2$) を紹介します。
コードとビデオは http://mobile-rl.cs.uni-freiburg.de で公開されています。


Despite its importance in both industrial and service robotics, mobile manipulation remains a significant challenge as it requires a seamless integration of end-effector trajectory generation with navigation skills as well as reasoning over long-horizons. Existing methods struggle to control the large configuration space, and to navigate dynamic and unknown environments. In previous work, we proposed to decompose mobile manipulation tasks into a simplified motion generator for the end-effector in task space and a trained reinforcement learning agent for the mobile base to account for kinematic feasibility of the motion. In this work, we introduce Neural Navigation for Mobile Manipulation (N$^2$M$^2$) which extends this decomposition to complex obstacle environments and enables it to tackle a broad range of tasks in real world settings. The resulting approach can perform unseen, long-horizon tasks in unexplored environments while instantly reacting to dynamic obstacles and environmental changes. At the same time, it provides a simple way to define new mobile manipulation tasks. We demonstrate the capabilities of our proposed approach in extensive simulation and real-world experiments on multiple kinematically diverse mobile manipulators. Code and videos are publicly available at http://mobile-rl.cs.uni-freiburg.de.


著者 Daniel Honerkamp,Tim Welschehold,Abhinav Valada
発行日 2023-06-29 07:54:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO, I.2.6 パーマリンク