Central pattern generators evolved for real-time adaptation to rhythmic stimuli


ここでは、さまざまなリズミカルな刺激に自発的に動きを同期させることができる、生体からインスピレーションを得た中央パターン ジェネレーター (CPG) を採用した仮想四足ロボットをデモします。
その結果、さまざまな CPG が入力周期に合わせて歩行パターンや頻度を調整することができました。


For a robot to be both autonomous and collaborative requires the ability to adapt its movement to a variety of external stimuli, whether these come from humans or other robots. Typically, legged robots have oscillation periods explicitly defined as a control parameter, limiting the adaptability of walking gaits. Here we demonstrate a virtual quadruped robot employing a bio-inspired central pattern generator (CPG) that can spontaneously synchronize its movement to a range of rhythmic stimuli. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms were used to optimize the variation of movement speed and direction as a function of the brain stem drive and the center of mass control respectively. This was followed by optimization of an additional layer of neurons that filters fluctuating inputs. As a result, a range of CPGs were able to adjust their gait pattern and/or frequency to match the input period. We show how this can be used to facilitate coordinated movement despite differences in morphology, as well as to learn new movement patterns.


著者 Alex Szorkovszky,Frank Veenstra,Kyrre Glette
発行日 2023-06-28 22:26:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, nlin.AO パーマリンク