On Practical Aspects of Aggregation Defenses against Data Poisoning Attacks


データへのアクセスの増加は、悪意のあるトレーニング サンプルを使用して深層学習モデルの動作を操作できるため、深層学習において機会とリスクの両方をもたらします。
データ ポイズニングに対する防御戦略の最近の進歩により、認定されたポイズニングの堅牢性において最先端の結果を達成するための集約スキームの有効性が浮き彫りになりました。
ここでは、代表的なアグリゲーション防御であるディープ パーティション アグリゲーションに焦点を当て、効率、パフォーマンス、堅牢性などの実用的な側面を評価します。
評価には、64 x 64 の解像度にリサイズされた ImageNet を使用し、これまでよりも大規模な評価が可能です。


The increasing access to data poses both opportunities and risks in deep learning, as one can manipulate the behaviors of deep learning models with malicious training samples. Such attacks are known as data poisoning. Recent advances in defense strategies against data poisoning have highlighted the effectiveness of aggregation schemes in achieving state-of-the-art results in certified poisoning robustness. However, the practical implications of these approaches remain unclear. Here we focus on Deep Partition Aggregation, a representative aggregation defense, and assess its practical aspects, including efficiency, performance, and robustness. For evaluations, we use ImageNet resized to a resolution of 64 by 64 to enable evaluations at a larger scale than previous ones. Firstly, we demonstrate a simple yet practical approach to scaling base models, which improves the efficiency of training and inference for aggregation defenses. Secondly, we provide empirical evidence supporting the data-to-complexity ratio, i.e. the ratio between the data set size and sample complexity, as a practical estimation of the maximum number of base models that can be deployed while preserving accuracy. Last but not least, we point out how aggregation defenses boost poisoning robustness empirically through the poisoning overfitting phenomenon, which is the key underlying mechanism for the empirical poisoning robustness of aggregations. Overall, our findings provide valuable insights for practical implementations of aggregation defenses to mitigate the threat of data poisoning.


著者 Wenxiao Wang,Soheil Feizi
発行日 2023-06-28 17:59:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.CV, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク