不良姿勢を正則化するために、一般的に適用される教師あり学習手法 (CSCD-Net など) は、手動で注釈が付けられた高品質のオブジェクトクラス固有の事前確率に依存します。
この研究では、手動のアノテーションが利用できない一般的なアプリケーション ドメインを考慮し、完全に自己監視型のアプローチを提示します。
The recently emerging research area in robotics, ground view change detection, suffers from its ill-posed-ness because of visual uncertainty combined with complex nonlinear perspective projection. To regularize the ill-posed-ness, the commonly applied supervised learning methods (e.g., CSCD-Net) rely on manually annotated high-quality object-class-specific priors. In this work, we consider general application domains where no manual annotation is available and present a fully self-supervised approach. The present approach adopts the powerful and versatile idea that object changes detected during everyday robot navigation can be reused as additional priors to improve future change detection tasks. Furthermore, a robustified framework is implemented and verified experimentally in a new challenging practical application scenario: ground-view small object change detection.
著者 | Koji Takeda,Kanji Tanaka,Yoshimasa Nakamura |
発行日 | 2023-06-28 10:34:59+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google