Human-Aligned Calibration for AI-Assisted Decision Making


これに関連して、信頼値は、予測されたラベルがグランド トゥルース ラベルと一致する確率の適切に校正された推定値に対応する必要があるとよく議論されてきました。
信頼値が低い (高い) 予測に対して、より多く (より少ない) 信頼を置きます。
分類器が実際の人間の専門家に意思決定サポートを提供する 4 つの異なる AI 支援意思決定タスクの実験により、理論的結果が検証され、調整がより良い意思決定につながる可能性があることが示唆されました。


Whenever a binary classifier is used to provide decision support, it typically provides both a label prediction and a confidence value. Then, the decision maker is supposed to use the confidence value to calibrate how much to trust the prediction. In this context, it has been often argued that the confidence value should correspond to a well calibrated estimate of the probability that the predicted label matches the ground truth label. However, multiple lines of empirical evidence suggest that decision makers have difficulties at developing a good sense on when to trust a prediction using these confidence values. In this paper, our goal is first to understand why and then investigate how to construct more useful confidence values. We first argue that, for a broad class of utility functions, there exist data distributions for which a rational decision maker is, in general, unlikely to discover the optimal decision policy using the above confidence values — an optimal decision maker would need to sometimes place more (less) trust on predictions with lower (higher) confidence values. However, we then show that, if the confidence values satisfy a natural alignment property with respect to the decision maker’s confidence on her own predictions, there always exists an optimal decision policy under which the level of trust the decision maker would need to place on predictions is monotone on the confidence values, facilitating its discoverability. Further, we show that multicalibration with respect to the decision maker’s confidence on her own predictions is a sufficient condition for alignment. Experiments on four different AI-assisted decision making tasks where a classifier provides decision support to real human experts validate our theoretical results and suggest that alignment may lead to better decisions.


著者 Nina L. Corvelo Benz,Manuel Gomez Rodriguez
発行日 2023-06-28 15:27:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CY, cs.HC, cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク