See Through the Fog: Curriculum Learning with Progressive Occlusion in Medical Imaging


近年、ディープラーニング モデルは医療画像の読影に革命をもたらし、診断精度が大幅に向上しました。
私たちの方法では、遮るもののない鮮明な画像から開始して、徐々にオクルージョン レベルが増加する画像に移行して、オクルージョンを段階的に導入します。
さらに、Wasserstein Curriculum Learning (WCL)、Information Adaptive Learning (IAL)、Geodesic Curriculum Learning (GCL) という 3 つの新しいオクルージョン合成手法を紹介します。


In recent years, deep learning models have revolutionized medical image interpretation, offering substantial improvements in diagnostic accuracy. However, these models often struggle with challenging images where critical features are partially or fully occluded, which is a common scenario in clinical practice. In this paper, we propose a novel curriculum learning-based approach to train deep learning models to handle occluded medical images effectively. Our method progressively introduces occlusion, starting from clear, unobstructed images and gradually moving to images with increasing occlusion levels. This ordered learning process, akin to human learning, allows the model to first grasp simple, discernable patterns and subsequently build upon this knowledge to understand more complicated, occluded scenarios. Furthermore, we present three novel occlusion synthesis methods, namely Wasserstein Curriculum Learning (WCL), Information Adaptive Learning (IAL), and Geodesic Curriculum Learning (GCL). Our extensive experiments on diverse medical image datasets demonstrate substantial improvements in model robustness and diagnostic accuracy over conventional training methodologies.


著者 Pradeep Singh,Kishore Babu Nampalle,Uppala Vivek Narayan,Balasubramanian Raman
発行日 2023-06-27 15:53:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 68T05, 68T10, 92C55, cs.CV, cs.LG, I.5.1 パーマリンク