Roller-Quadrotor: A Novel Hybrid Terrestrial/Aerial Quadrotor with Unicycle-Driven and Rotor-Assisted Turning


Roller-Quadrotor は、空中ドローンの操縦性と地上車両の耐久性を組み合わせた新しいクアッドローターです。
この作業は、Roller-Quadrotor の設計、モデリング、実験的検証に焦点を当てています。
飛行能力は、推力を提供する 4 つのアクチュエーターを備えたクアッドローター構成によって実現されます。
さらに、航空機の地上航続距離は約 2.8 倍、飛行時間は航空能力と比較して約 41.2 倍長くなります。


The Roller-Quadrotor is a novel quadrotor that combines the maneuverability of aerial drones with the endurance of ground vehicles. This work focuses on the design, modeling, and experimental validation of the Roller-Quadrotor. Flight capabilities are achieved through a quadrotor configuration, with four thrust-providing actuators. Additionally, rolling motion is facilitated by a unicycle-driven and rotor-assisted turning structure. By utilizing terrestrial locomotion, the vehicle can overcome rolling and turning resistance, thereby conserving energy compared to its flight mode. This innovative approach not only tackles the inherent challenges of traditional rotorcraft but also enables the vehicle to navigate through narrow gaps and overcome obstacles by taking advantage of its aerial mobility. We develop comprehensive models and controllers for the Roller-Quadrotor and validate their performance through experiments. The results demonstrate its seamless transition between aerial and terrestrial locomotion, as well as its ability to safely navigate through gaps half the size of its diameter. Moreover, the terrestrial range of the vehicle is approximately 2.8 times greater, while the operating time is about 41.2 times longer compared to its aerial capabilities. These findings underscore the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed structure and control mechanisms for efficient navigation through challenging terrains while conserving energy.


著者 Zhi Zheng,Jin Wang,Yuze Wu,Qifeng Cai,Huan Yu,Ruibin Zhang,Jie Tu,Jun Meng,Guodong Lu,Fei Gao
発行日 2023-06-27 02:07:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク