Reducing the gap between streaming and non-streaming Transducer-based ASR by adaptive two-stage knowledge distillation


Transducer は、ストリーミング音声認識の主流のフレームワークの 1 つです。
コンテキストが限られているため、ストリーミング トランスデューサ モデルと非ストリーミング トランスデューサ モデルの間にはパフォーマンスのギャップがあります。
LibriSpeech コーパスの元のストリーミング モデルと比較して、単語エラー率が 19\% 相対的に減少し、最初のトークンに対する応答が速くなりました。


Transducer is one of the mainstream frameworks for streaming speech recognition. There is a performance gap between the streaming and non-streaming transducer models due to limited context. To reduce this gap, an effective way is to ensure that their hidden and output distributions are consistent, which can be achieved by hierarchical knowledge distillation. However, it is difficult to ensure the distribution consistency simultaneously because the learning of the output distribution depends on the hidden one. In this paper, we propose an adaptive two-stage knowledge distillation method consisting of hidden layer learning and output layer learning. In the former stage, we learn hidden representation with full context by applying mean square error loss function. In the latter stage, we design a power transformation based adaptive smoothness method to learn stable output distribution. It achieved 19\% relative reduction in word error rate, and a faster response for the first token compared with the original streaming model in LibriSpeech corpus.


著者 Haitao Tang,Yu Fu,Lei Sun,Jiabin Xue,Dan Liu,Yongchao Li,Zhiqiang Ma,Minghui Wu,Jia Pan,Genshun Wan,Ming’en Zhao
発行日 2023-06-27 03:11:21+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク