One-step Multi-view Clustering with Diverse Representation


マルチビュー クラスタリングは、ビュー間で一貫した補完的な情報を利用できるため、幅広い注目を集めています。
行列分解によるマルチビュー クラスタリングは、この問題に対処する代表的な方法です。
さらに、さまざまな手法は 2 段階のプロセス、つまりマルチモーダル学習とそれに続く $k$-means の影響を受け、必然的に次善のクラスタリング結果が生じます。
次に、さまざまな次元で情報行列を直接使用して、コンセンサスのある離散クラスタリング ラベルを取得します。


Multi-view clustering has attracted broad attention due to its capacity to utilize consistent and complementary information among views. Although tremendous progress has been made recently, most existing methods undergo high complexity, preventing them from being applied to large-scale tasks. Multi-view clustering via matrix factorization is a representative to address this issue. However, most of them map the data matrices into a fixed dimension, limiting the model’s expressiveness. Moreover, a range of methods suffers from a two-step process, i.e., multimodal learning and the subsequent $k$-means, inevitably causing a sub-optimal clustering result. In light of this, we propose a one-step multi-view clustering with diverse representation method, which incorporates multi-view learning and $k$-means into a unified framework. Specifically, we first project original data matrices into various latent spaces to attain comprehensive information and auto-weight them in a self-supervised manner. Then we directly use the information matrices under diverse dimensions to obtain consensus discrete clustering labels. The unified work of representation learning and clustering boosts the quality of the final results. Furthermore, we develop an efficient optimization algorithm with proven convergence to solve the resultant problem. Comprehensive experiments on various datasets demonstrate the promising clustering performance of our proposed method.


著者 Xinhang Wan,Jiyuan Liu,Xinwang Liu,Siwei Wang,Yi Wen,Tianjiao Wan,Li Shen,En Zhu
発行日 2023-06-27 13:52:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク