Causal Inference via Predictive Coding


ベイジアン推論モデルの観察: 関連する変数 x を観察した場合、y について何が推測できるでしょうか?
因果推論モデルの介入: x を直接変更すると、y はどのように変化するでしょうか?


Bayesian and causal inference are fundamental processes for intelligence. Bayesian inference models observations: what can be inferred about y if we observe a related variable x? Causal inference models interventions: if we directly change x, how will y change? Predictive coding is a neuroscience-inspired method for performing Bayesian inference on continuous state variables using local information only. In this work, we go beyond Bayesian inference, and show how a simple change in the inference process of predictive coding enables interventional and counterfactual inference in scenarios where the causal graph is known. We then extend our results, and show how predictive coding can be generalized to cases where this graph is unknown, and has to be inferred from data, hence performing causal discovery. What results is a novel and straightforward technique that allows us to perform end-to-end causal inference on predictive-coding-based structural causal models, and demonstrate its utility for potential applications in machine learning.


著者 Tommaso Salvatori,Luca Pinchetti,Amine M’Charrak,Beren Millidge,Thomas Lukasiewicz
発行日 2023-06-27 13:57:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク