Necessary and sufficient graphical conditions for optimal adjustment sets in causal graphical models with hidden variables


隠れ変数と条件付き変数を含むグラフィカル モデルの因果効果を推定するための最適なバックドア調整セットを選択する問題が解決されます。
さらに、最適なセットは、有効な調整セットが存在し、Perkovi{\’c} et al. で提案された調整セットよりも高い (または等しい) 調整情報を持っている場合にのみ有効です。
[Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18: 1–62, 2018] グラフの場合。
驚くべきことに、ランダムに作成された設定のうち、90% 以上が最適性条件を満たしており、現実世界の多くのシナリオでもグラフィックの最適性が維持される可能性があることが示されています。
コードは、Python パッケージ \url{} の一部として入手できます。


The problem of selecting optimal backdoor adjustment sets to estimate causal effects in graphical models with hidden and conditioned variables is addressed. Previous work has defined optimality as achieving the smallest asymptotic estimation variance and derived an optimal set for the case without hidden variables. For the case with hidden variables there can be settings where no optimal set exists and currently only a sufficient graphical optimality criterion of limited applicability has been derived. In the present work optimality is characterized as maximizing a certain adjustment information which allows to derive a necessary and sufficient graphical criterion for the existence of an optimal adjustment set and a definition and algorithm to construct it. Further, the optimal set is valid if and only if a valid adjustment set exists and has higher (or equal) adjustment information than the Adjust-set proposed in Perkovi{\’c} et al. [Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18: 1–62, 2018] for any graph. The results translate to minimal asymptotic estimation variance for a class of estimators whose asymptotic variance follows a certain information-theoretic relation. Numerical experiments indicate that the asymptotic results also hold for relatively small sample sizes and that the optimal adjustment set or minimized variants thereof often yield better variance also beyond that estimator class. Surprisingly, among the randomly created setups more than 90\% fulfill the optimality conditions indicating that also in many real-world scenarios graphical optimality may hold. Code is available as part of the python package \url{}.


著者 Jakob Runge
発行日 2023-06-23 11:44:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.IT, cs.LG, math.IT, math.ST, stat.TH パーマリンク