Towards quantum enhanced adversarial robustness in machine learning


実際、最近の研究では量子力学的現象を利用して敵対的攻撃を防御し、量子敵対的機械学習 (QAML) 分野の急速な発展を促進し、量子的優位性の新たな源泉を生み出す可能性があります。
初期の有望な結果にもかかわらず、堅牢な現実世界の QAML ツールの構築には依然として課題が残っています。
このレビューでは、QAML の最近の進歩について説明し、主要な課題を特定します。
また、量子コンピューティング ハードウェアがスケールアップし、ノイズ レベルが低減されるにつれて、QAML アプローチの実用化への道を決定できる将来の研究の方向性も提案します。


Machine learning algorithms are powerful tools for data driven tasks such as image classification and feature detection, however their vulnerability to adversarial examples – input samples manipulated to fool the algorithm – remains a serious challenge. The integration of machine learning with quantum computing has the potential to yield tools offering not only better accuracy and computational efficiency, but also superior robustness against adversarial attacks. Indeed, recent work has employed quantum mechanical phenomena to defend against adversarial attacks, spurring the rapid development of the field of quantum adversarial machine learning (QAML) and potentially yielding a new source of quantum advantage. Despite promising early results, there remain challenges towards building robust real-world QAML tools. In this review we discuss recent progress in QAML and identify key challenges. We also suggest future research directions which could determine the route to practicality for QAML approaches as quantum computing hardware scales up and noise levels are reduced.


著者 Maxwell T. West,Shu-Lok Tsang,Jia S. Low,Charles D. Hill,Christopher Leckie,Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg,Sarah M. Erfani,Muhammad Usman
発行日 2023-06-22 06:21:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.ET, cs.LG, quant-ph パーマリンク