SoftGPT: Learn Goal-oriented Soft Object Manipulation Skills by Generative Pre-trained Heterogeneous Graph Transformer


下流タスクごとに、目標指向のポリシー エージェントが後続のアクションを予測するようにトレーニングされ、SoftGPT がこれらのアクションの結果を生成します。
これら 2 つのアプローチを統合すると、ロボットの心の中に思考プロセスが確立され、ポリシーの学習を促進するための展開が提供されます。


Soft object manipulation tasks in domestic scenes pose a significant challenge for existing robotic skill learning techniques due to their complex dynamics and variable shape characteristics. Since learning new manipulation skills from human demonstration is an effective way for robot applications, developing prior knowledge of the representation and dynamics of soft objects is necessary. In this regard, we propose a pre-trained soft object manipulation skill learning model, namely SoftGPT, that is trained using large amounts of exploration data, consisting of a three-dimensional heterogeneous graph representation and a GPT-based dynamics model. For each downstream task, a goal-oriented policy agent is trained to predict the subsequent actions, and SoftGPT generates the consequences of these actions. Integrating these two approaches establishes a thinking process in the robot’s mind that provides rollout for facilitating policy learning. Our results demonstrate that leveraging prior knowledge through this thinking process can efficiently learn various soft object manipulation skills, with the potential for direct learning from human demonstrations.


著者 Junjia Liu,Zhihao Li,Sylvain Calinon,Fei Chen
発行日 2023-06-22 05:48:22+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク