A Survey on Safety-Critical Driving Scenario Generation — A Methodological Perspective


現実世界に大規模に導入する場合の重要な課題の 1 つは、安全性の評価です。
まず、既存のアルゴリズムをデータ駆動型生成、敵対的生成、知識ベース生成の 3 つのカテゴリに分類することで、そのアルゴリズムの包括的な分類を提供します。
次に、シミュレーション プラットフォームやパッケージなど、シナリオ生成に役立つツールについて説明します。
最後に、現在の研究の 5 つの主要な課題 (忠実度、効率、多様性、移転可能性、制御可能性) と、これらの課題によって照らされる研究の機会に議論を広げます。


Autonomous driving systems have witnessed a significant development during the past years thanks to the advance in machine learning-enabled sensing and decision-making algorithms. One critical challenge for their massive deployment in the real world is their safety evaluation. Most existing driving systems are still trained and evaluated on naturalistic scenarios collected from daily life or heuristically-generated adversarial ones. However, the large population of cars, in general, leads to an extremely low collision rate, indicating that the safety-critical scenarios are rare in the collected real-world data. Thus, methods to artificially generate scenarios become crucial to measure the risk and reduce the cost. In this survey, we focus on the algorithms of safety-critical scenario generation in autonomous driving. We first provide a comprehensive taxonomy of existing algorithms by dividing them into three categories: data-driven generation, adversarial generation, and knowledge-based generation. Then, we discuss useful tools for scenario generation, including simulation platforms and packages. Finally, we extend our discussion to five main challenges of current works — fidelity, efficiency, diversity, transferability, controllability — and research opportunities lighted up by these challenges.


著者 Wenhao Ding,Chejian Xu,Mansur Arief,Haohong Lin,Bo Li,Ding Zhao
発行日 2023-06-20 18:27:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク