Studying Generalization on Memory-Based Methods in Continual Learning


継続学習の目的の 1 つは、一連の経験を通じて継続的に新しい概念を学習し、同時に壊滅的な忘れを避けることです。
制御された環境である Synbol ベンチマーク ジェネレーター (Lacoste et al., 2020) を使用して、この分布外一般化の欠如が主に線形分類器で発生することを示します。


One of the objectives of Continual Learning is to learn new concepts continually over a stream of experiences and at the same time avoid catastrophic forgetting. To mitigate complete knowledge overwriting, memory-based methods store a percentage of previous data distributions to be used during training. Although these methods produce good results, few studies have tested their out-of-distribution generalization properties, as well as whether these methods overfit the replay memory. In this work, we show that although these methods can help in traditional in-distribution generalization, they can strongly impair out-of-distribution generalization by learning spurious features and correlations. Using a controlled environment, the Synbol benchmark generator (Lacoste et al., 2020), we demonstrate that this lack of out-of-distribution generalization mainly occurs in the linear classifier.


著者 Felipe del Rio,Julio Hurtado,Cristian Buc,Alvaro Soto,Vincenzo Lomonaco
発行日 2023-06-20 13:47:17+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク