Prepare the Chair for the Bear! Robot Imagination of Sitting Affordance to Reorient Previously Unseen Chairs


具体的には、ロボットは未知の物体に遭遇し、まず能動的かつ自律的な操作によって知覚データから完全な 3D モデルを再構築します。
このモデルを物理シミュレーター (つまり、ロボットの「想像力」) に挿入することによって、ロボットはそのオブジェクトが椅子であるかどうかを評価し、使用するために適切に向きを変える方法、つまり、直立したアクセス可能な姿勢に向きを変える方法を決定します。



In this letter, a paradigm for the classification and manipulation of previously unseen objects is established and demonstrated through a real example of chairs. We present a novel robot manipulation method, guided by the understanding of object stability, perceptibility, and affordance, which allows the robot to prepare previously unseen and randomly oriented chairs for a teddy bear to sit on. Specifically, the robot encounters an unknown object and first reconstructs a complete 3D model from perceptual data via active and autonomous manipulation. By inserting this model into a physical simulator (i.e., the robot’s ‘imagination’), the robot assesses whether the object is a chair and determines how to reorient it properly to be used, i.e., how to reorient it to an upright and accessible pose. If the object is classified as a chair, the robot reorients the object to this pose and seats the teddy bear onto the chair. The teddy bear is a proxy for an elderly person, hospital patient, or child. Experiment results show that our method achieves a high success rate on the real robot task of chair preparation. Also, it outperforms several baseline methods on the task of upright pose prediction for chairs.


著者 Xin Meng,Hongtao Wu,Sipu Ruan,Gregory S. Chirikjian
発行日 2023-06-20 11:05:32+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク