Causal Falsification of Digital Twins


私たちは、ICU 患者の MIMIC-III データセットを使用して評価する、Pulse Physiology Engine 内での敗血症モデリングを含む大規模なケーススタディを通じて、私たちの方法論の有効性を実証します。


Digital twins hold substantial promise in many applications, but rigorous procedures for assessing their accuracy are essential for their widespread deployment in safety-critical settings. By formulating this task within the framework of causal inference, we show that attempts to certify the correctness of a twin using real-world observational data are unsound unless potentially tenuous assumptions are made about the data-generating process. To avoid these assumptions, we propose an assessment strategy that instead aims to find cases where the twin is not correct, and present a general-purpose statistical procedure for doing so that may be used across a wide variety of applications and twin models. Our approach yields reliable and actionable information about the twin under minimal assumptions about the twin and the real-world process of interest. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology via a large-scale case study involving sepsis modelling within the Pulse Physiology Engine, which we assess using the MIMIC-III dataset of ICU patients.


著者 Rob Cornish,Muhammad Faaiz Taufiq,Arnaud Doucet,Chris Holmes
発行日 2023-06-20 16:57:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CE, cs.LG, stat.AP, stat.ME パーマリンク