‘When Words Fail, Emojis Prevail’: Generating Sarcastic Utterances with Emoji Using Valence Reversal and Semantic Incongruity


生成タスクを 2 つのサブタスクに分割します。1 つは皮肉なテキストを生成するタスク、もう 1 つはそれらの皮肉な文に関連付けられた絵文字を収集するタスクです。
皮肉の 2 つの重要な要素が、テキストの皮肉生成タスクに組み込まれます。それは、価数の反転と文脈との意味上の不一致です。文脈には、話者と聴衆の間で共有される常識や一般知識が含まれる場合があります。


Sarcasm is a form of figurative language that serves as a humorous tool for mockery and ridicule. We present a novel architecture for sarcasm generation with emoji from a non-sarcastic input sentence in English. We divide the generation task into two sub tasks: one for generating textual sarcasm and another for collecting emojis associated with those sarcastic sentences. Two key elements of sarcasm are incorporated into the textual sarcasm generation task: valence reversal and semantic incongruity with context, where the context may involve shared commonsense or general knowledge between the speaker and their audience. The majority of existing sarcasm generation works have focused on this textual form. However, in the real world, when written texts fall short of effectively capturing the emotional cues of spoken and face-to-face communication, people often opt for emojis to accurately express their emotions. Due to the wide range of applications of emojis, incorporating appropriate emojis to generate textual sarcastic sentences helps advance sarcasm generation. We conclude our study by evaluating the generated sarcastic sentences using human judgement. All the codes and data used in this study has been made publicly available.


著者 Faria Binte Kader,Nafisa Hossain Nujat,Tasmia Binte Sogir,Mohsinul Kabir,Hasan Mahmud,Kamrul Hasan
発行日 2023-06-16 15:11:03+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク