この論文では、水平面上の事前定義された停止ターゲット上へのナノ クアッドコプターの視覚ベースの自律停止アプローチを提案します。
次に、特に測定データが欠落している場合に、カルマン フィルターを適用して姿勢をより確実に決定します。
次に、複数のマーカーからのポーズ データを結合するアルゴリズムを紹介します。
ドローンは、精度 2 センチメートル以内でマーカーの中心に正常に停止できます。
Over the past decades, quadcopters have been investigated, due to their mobility and flexibility to operate in a wide range of environments. They have been used in various areas, including surveillance and monitoring. During a mission, drones do not have to remain active once they have reached a target location. To conserve energy and maintain a static position, it is possible to perch and stop the motors in such situations. The problem of achieving a reliable and highly accurate perching method remains a challenge and promising. In this paper, a vision-based autonomous perching approach for nano quadcopters onto a predefined perching target on horizontal surfaces is proposed. First, a perching target with a small marker inside a larger one is designed to improve detection capability at a variety of ranges. Second, a monocular camera is used to calculate the relative poses of the flying vehicle from the markers detected. Then, a Kalman filter is applied to determine the pose more reliably, especially when measurement data is missing. Next, we introduce an algorithm for merging the pose data from multiple markers. Finally, the poses are sent to the perching planner to conduct the real flight test to align the drone with the target’s center and steer it there. Based on the experimental results, the approach proved to be effective and feasible. The drone can successfully perch on the center of markers within two centimeters of precision.
著者 | Truong-Dong Do,Sung Kyung Hong |
発行日 | 2023-06-16 02:34:50+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google