NeuS-PIR: Learning Relightable Neural Surface using Pre-Integrated Rendering


ニューラル暗黙的フィールドの最近の進歩により、多視点画像から 3D ジオメトリを迅速に再構築できるようになりました。
この論文では、事前統合レンダリングを使用して再照明可能なニューラル サーフェスを効果的に学習する新しい方法を紹介します。これは、ニューラルの暗黙的フィールド内のジオメトリ、マテリアル、および照明を同時に学習します。


Recent advances in neural implicit fields enables rapidly reconstructing 3D geometry from multi-view images. Beyond that, recovering physical properties such as material and illumination is essential for enabling more applications. This paper presents a new method that effectively learns relightable neural surface using pre-intergrated rendering, which simultaneously learns geometry, material and illumination within the neural implicit field. The key insight of our work is that these properties are closely related to each other, and optimizing them in a collaborative manner would lead to consistent improvements. Specifically, we propose NeuS-PIR, a method that factorizes the radiance field into a spatially varying material field and a differentiable environment cubemap, and jointly learns it with geometry represented by neural surface. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art method in both synthetic and real datasets.


著者 Shi Mao,Chenming Wu,Zhelun Shen,Liangjun Zhang
発行日 2023-06-13 09:02:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.GR パーマリンク