Deep Model Compression Also Helps Models Capture Ambiguity


自然言語理解 (NLU) タスクは、ラベルの信憑性についてアノテーター間で議論の余地がある、大量のあいまいなサンプルに直面します。
したがって、NLU モデルはそのような曖昧さを考慮する必要がありますが、人間の意見分布の近似が非常に不十分であり、自信過剰な予測を生成する傾向があります。
プラスの副作用として、私たちの方法はモデル サイズを大幅に削減し、レイテンシーを改善することがわかりました。これはどちらも NLU 製品の魅力的な側面です。


Natural language understanding (NLU) tasks face a non-trivial amount of ambiguous samples where veracity of their labels is debatable among annotators. NLU models should thus account for such ambiguity, but they approximate the human opinion distributions quite poorly and tend to produce over-confident predictions. To address this problem, we must consider how to exactly capture the degree of relationship between each sample and its candidate classes. In this work, we propose a novel method with deep model compression and show how such relationship can be accounted for. We see that more reasonably represented relationships can be discovered in the lower layers and that validation accuracies are converging at these layers, which naturally leads to layer pruning. We also see that distilling the relationship knowledge from a lower layer helps models produce better distribution. Experimental results demonstrate that our method makes substantial improvement on quantifying ambiguity without gold distribution labels. As positive side-effects, our method is found to reduce the model size significantly and improve latency, both attractive aspects of NLU products.


著者 Hancheol Park,Jong C. Park
発行日 2023-06-12 12:24:47+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク