SERT: A Transfomer Based Model for Spatio-Temporal Sensor Data with Missing Values for Environmental Monitoring


私たちは、補完を必要とせずに欠損データを自然に処理しながら、多変量の時空間予測を実行できる 2 つのモデルを提案します。
最初のモデルはトランスフォーマーベースのモデルで、これを SERT (Spatio-temporal Encoder Representations from Transformers) と名付けます。
2 つ目は、解釈可能な結果を​​提供できる SST-ANN (Sparse Spatio-Temporal Artificial Neural Network) と呼ばれる単純なモデルです。
私たちは、多変量時空間予測のために 2 つの異なるデータセットで広範な実験を実施し、私たちのモデルが最先端のモデルと競合する、または優れたパフォーマンスを備えていることを示しています。


Environmental monitoring is crucial to our understanding of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. The availability of large-scale spatio-temporal data from sources such as sensors and satellites allows us to develop sophisticated models for forecasting and understanding key drivers. However, the data collected from sensors often contain missing values due to faulty equipment or maintenance issues. The missing values rarely occur simultaneously leading to data that are multivariate misaligned sparse time series. We propose two models that are capable of performing multivariate spatio-temporal forecasting while handling missing data naturally without the need for imputation. The first model is a transformer-based model, which we name SERT (Spatio-temporal Encoder Representations from Transformers). The second is a simpler model named SST-ANN (Sparse Spatio-Temporal Artificial Neural Network) which is capable of providing interpretable results. We conduct extensive experiments on two different datasets for multivariate spatio-temporal forecasting and show that our models have competitive or superior performance to those at the state-of-the-art.


著者 Amin Shoari Nejad,Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez,Gerard D. McCarthy,Brian Kelleher,Anthony Grey,Andrew Parnell
発行日 2023-06-09 08:26:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク