Artificial Intelligence can facilitate selfish decisions by altering the appearance of interaction partners


ソーシャルメディアやビデオ会議技術で画像を変更するフィルターが普及するにつれ、人工知能 (AI) を使用して他者に対する認識を操作することの倫理的および心理的影響についての懸念が生じています。
これらの結果は、透明性、同意、他者による外見操作の対象であるという認識の問題など、他者に対する私たちの認識を変える AI テクノロジーを巡る広範な倫理的議論の必要性を強調しています。


The increasing prevalence of image-altering filters on social media and video conferencing technologies has raised concerns about the ethical and psychological implications of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to manipulate our perception of others. In this study, we specifically investigate the potential impact of blur filters, a type of appearance-altering technology, on individuals’ behavior towards others. Our findings consistently demonstrate a significant increase in selfish behavior directed towards individuals whose appearance is blurred, suggesting that blur filters can facilitate moral disengagement through depersonalization. These results emphasize the need for broader ethical discussions surrounding AI technologies that modify our perception of others, including issues of transparency, consent, and the awareness of being subject to appearance manipulation by others. We also emphasize the importance of anticipatory experiments in informing the development of responsible guidelines and policies prior to the widespread adoption of such technologies.


著者 Nils Köbis,Philipp Lorenz-Spreen,Tamer Ajaj,Jean-Francois Bonnefon,Ralph Hertwig,Iyad Rahwan
発行日 2023-06-07 14:53:12+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク