Regions of Reliability in the Evaluation of Multivariate Probabilistic Forecasts


多変量の確率的時系列予測は、通常、適切なスコアリング ルール、つまり、グラウンド トゥルース分布の予想が最小限に抑えられる関数を介して評価されます。
検出力分析を通じて、スコアリング ルールの「信頼性の領域」、つまり、予測エラーを特定するために信頼できる一連の実際的な条件を特定します。


Multivariate probabilistic time series forecasts are commonly evaluated via proper scoring rules, i.e., functions that are minimal in expectation for the ground-truth distribution. However, this property is not sufficient to guarantee good discrimination in the non-asymptotic regime. In this paper, we provide the first systematic finite-sample study of proper scoring rules for time-series forecasting evaluation. Through a power analysis, we identify the ‘region of reliability’ of a scoring rule, i.e., the set of practical conditions where it can be relied on to identify forecasting errors. We carry out our analysis on a comprehensive synthetic benchmark, specifically designed to test several key discrepancies between ground-truth and forecast distributions, and we gauge the generalizability of our findings to real-world tasks with an application to an electricity production problem. Our results reveal critical shortcomings in the evaluation of multivariate probabilistic forecasts as commonly performed in the literature.


著者 Étienne Marcotte,Valentina Zantedeschi,Alexandre Drouin,Nicolas Chapados
発行日 2023-06-06 15:39:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク