Online Estimation of Self-Body Deflection With Various Sensor Data Based on Directional Statistics


私たちの手法では、方向統計に使用される関節角度と 3D 方向の確率分布として、ミーゼス分布とビンガム分布を使用します。
応用として、6 軸 IMU センサーのヨー ドリフトを確率的に表現して、姿勢推定への悪影響を防ぐことができることを示します。


In this paper, we propose a method for online estimation of the robot’s posture. Our method uses von Mises and Bingham distributions as probability distributions of joint angles and 3D orientation, which are used in directional statistics. We constructed a particle filter using these distributions and configured a system to estimate the robot’s posture from various sensor information (e.g., joint encoders, IMU sensors, and cameras). Furthermore, unlike tangent space approximations, these distributions can handle global features and represent sensor characteristics as observation noises. As an application, we show that the yaw drift of a 6-axis IMU sensor can be represented probabilistically to prevent adverse effects on attitude estimation. For the estimation, we used an approximate model that assumes the actual robot posture can be reproduced by correcting the joint angles of a rigid body model. In the experiment part, we tested the estimator’s effectiveness by examining that the joint angles generated with the approximate model can be estimated using the link pose of the same model. We then applied the estimator to the actual robot and confirmed that the gripper position could be estimated, thereby verifying the validity of the approximate model in our situation.


著者 Hiroya Sato,Kento Kawaharazuka,Tasuku Makabe,Kei Okada,Masayuki Inaba
発行日 2023-06-06 12:10:04+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク