Injecting knowledge into language generation: a case study in auto-charting after-visit care instructions from medical dialogue


このペーパーでは、ソース シーケンスと参照シーケンスの両方に出現し、生成中に見逃されると出力テキストの事実の正確性が低下する、まれなトークンに焦点を当てます。
知識が豊富なハイステークのドメインについては、知識を使用して、(a) ソースと参照の両方に出現するレアなトークンが重要であることを特定し、(b) それらの条件付き確率を高める方法を示します。


Factual correctness is often the limiting factor in practical applications of natural language generation in high-stakes domains such as healthcare. An essential requirement for maintaining factuality is the ability to deal with rare tokens. This paper focuses on rare tokens that appear in both the source and the reference sequences, and which, when missed during generation, decrease the factual correctness of the output text. For high-stake domains that are also knowledge-rich, we show how to use knowledge to (a) identify which rare tokens that appear in both source and reference are important and (b) uplift their conditional probability. We introduce the “utilization rate” that encodes knowledge and serves as a regularizer by maximizing the marginal probability of selected tokens. We present a study in a knowledge-rich domain of healthcare, where we tackle the problem of generating after-visit care instructions based on patient-doctor dialogues. We verify that, in our dataset, specific medical concepts with high utilization rates are underestimated by conventionally trained sequence-to-sequence models. We observe that correcting this with our approach to knowledge injection reduces the uncertainty of the model as well as improves factuality and coherence without negatively impacting fluency.


著者 Maksim Eremeev,Ilya Valmianski,Xavier Amatriain,Anitha Kannan
発行日 2023-06-06 13:13:27+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク