Functional sufficient dimension reduction through information maximization with application to classification


関数スライス逆回帰や関数スライス平均分散推定などの古典的な FSDR 手法と比較して、提案された手法は比較的少数のカテゴリ、特にカテゴリの場合に複数の有効な次元削減方向を推定できるため魅力的です。
シミュレーションと実際のデータ分析により、この 2 つの方法がいくつかの既存の FSDR 方法と比較して競争力があることが実証されました。


Considering the case where the response variable is a categorical variable and the predictor is a random function, two novel functional sufficient dimensional reduction (FSDR) methods are proposed based on mutual information and square loss mutual information. Compared to the classical FSDR methods, such as functional sliced inverse regression and functional sliced average variance estimation, the proposed methods are appealing because they are capable of estimating multiple effective dimension reduction directions in the case of a relatively small number of categories, especially for the binary response. Moreover, the proposed methods do not require the restrictive linear conditional mean assumption and the constant covariance assumption. They avoid the inverse problem of the covariance operator which is often encountered in the functional sufficient dimension reduction. The functional principal component analysis with truncation be used as a regularization mechanism. Under some mild conditions, the statistical consistency of the proposed methods is established. It is demonstrated that the two methods are competitive compared with some existing FSDR methods by simulations and real data analyses.


著者 Xinyu Li,Jianjun Xu,Wenquan Cui,Haoyang Cheng
発行日 2023-06-06 16:41:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク