Detecting Harmful Content On Online Platforms: What Platforms Need Vs. Where Research Efforts Go


オンライン プラットフォーム上での有害なコンテンツの蔓延は大きな社会問題であり、ヘイトスピーチ、攻撃的な言葉、いじめや嫌がらせ、誤った情報、スパム、暴力、生々しいコンテンツ、性的虐待、自傷行為など、さまざまな形で現れます。
オンライン プラットフォームは、社会的危害を制限し、法律を遵守し、ユーザーにとってより包括的な環境を構築するために、そのようなコンテンツを管理しようとしています。


The proliferation of harmful content on online platforms is a major societal problem, which comes in many different forms including hate speech, offensive language, bullying and harassment, misinformation, spam, violence, graphic content, sexual abuse, self harm, and many other. Online platforms seek to moderate such content to limit societal harm, to comply with legislation, and to create a more inclusive environment for their users. Researchers have developed different methods for automatically detecting harmful content, often focusing on specific sub-problems or on narrow communities, as what is considered harmful often depends on the platform and on the context. We argue that there is currently a dichotomy between what types of harmful content online platforms seek to curb, and what research efforts there are to automatically detect such content. We thus survey existing methods as well as content moderation policies by online platforms in this light and we suggest directions for future work.


著者 Arnav Arora,Preslav Nakov,Momchil Hardalov,Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar,Vibha Nayak,Yoan Dinkov,Dimitrina Zlatkova,Kyle Dent,Ameya Bhatawdekar,Guillaume Bouchard,Isabelle Augenstein
発行日 2023-06-06 16:22:16+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, cs.SI パーマリンク