Convergence analysis of equilibrium methods for inverse problems




Recently, the use of deep equilibrium methods has emerged as a new approach for solving imaging and other ill-posed inverse problems. While learned components may be a key factor in the good performance of these methods in practice, a theoretical justification from a regularization point of view is still lacking. In this paper, we address this issue by providing stability and convergence results for the class of equilibrium methods. In addition, we derive convergence rates and stability estimates in the symmetric Bregman distance. We strengthen our results for regularization operators with contractive residuals. Furthermore, we use the presented analysis to gain insight into the practical behavior of these methods, including a lower bound on the performance of the regularized solutions. In addition, we show that the convergence analysis leads to the design of a new type of loss function which has several advantages over previous ones. Numerical simulations are used to support our findings.


著者 Daniel Obmann,Markus Haltmeier
発行日 2023-06-02 10:22:33+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, DeepL

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.NA, math.NA パーマリンク