Differential Diffusion: Giving Each Pixel Its Strength


残念ながら、現在のモデルにはピクセルごとまたは画像フラグメントごとの変更量をカスタマイズする機能がなく、画像全体を同じ量で変更するか、バイナリ マスクを使用して特定の領域を編集する必要があります。


Text-based image editing has advanced significantly in recent years. With the rise of diffusion models, image editing via textual instructions has become ubiquitous. Unfortunately, current models lack the ability to customize the quantity of the change per pixel or per image fragment, resorting to changing the entire image in an equal amount, or editing a specific region using a binary mask. In this paper, we suggest a new framework which enables the user to customize the quantity of change for each image fragment, thereby enhancing the flexibility and verbosity of modern diffusion models. Our framework does not require model training or fine-tuning, but instead performs everything at inference time, making it easily applicable to an existing model. We show both qualitatively and quantitatively that our method allows better controllability and can produce results which are unattainable by existing models. Our code is available at: https://github.com/exx8/differential-diffusion


著者 Eran Levin,Ohad Fried
発行日 2023-06-01 17:47:06+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, cs.GR, cs.LG, I.3.3 パーマリンク