The Impacts of Human-Cobot Collaboration on Perceived Cognitive Load and Usability during an Industrial Task: An Exploratory Experiment


コボット (協働ロボット) は産業環境にますます導入されているため、人間の協力者に対する潜在的なプラスおよびマイナスの影響を認識することが不可欠です。


Since cobots (collaborative robots) are increasingly being introduced in industrial environments, being aware of their potential positive and negative impacts on human collaborators is essential. This study guides occupational health workers by identifying the potential gains (reduced perceived time demand, number of gestures and number of errors) and concerns (the cobot takes a long time to perceive its environment, which eads to an increased completion time) associated with working with cobots. In our study, the collaboration between human and cobot during an assembly task did not negatively impact perceived cognitive load, increased completion time (but decreased perceived time demand), and decreased the number of gestures performed by participants and the number of errors made. Thus, performing the task in collaboration with a cobot improved the user’s experience and performance, except for completion time, which increased. This study opens up avenues to investigate how to improve cobots to ensure the usability of the human-machine system at work.


著者 Étienne Fournier,Dorilys Kilgus,Aurélie Landry,Belal Hmedan,Damien Pellier,Humbert Fiorino,Christine Jeoffrion
発行日 2023-05-30 10:07:36+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.HC, cs.RO パーマリンク