Graph-based Time Series Clustering for End-to-End Hierarchical Forecasting


階層的時系列では、シーケンスのサブセット間の関係により、予測値に対する厳しい制約 (階層的帰納的バイアス) が引き起こされます。
最新のトレーニング可能なグラフ プーリング演算子を活用することで、階層構造が事前に利用できない場合でもデータから直接学習できるため、予測目標に合わせたクラスター割り当てを取得できることを示します。


Existing relationships among time series can be exploited as inductive biases in learning effective forecasting models. In hierarchical time series, relationships among subsets of sequences induce hard constraints (hierarchical inductive biases) on the predicted values. In this paper, we propose a graph-based methodology to unify relational and hierarchical inductive biases in the context of deep learning for time series forecasting. In particular, we model both types of relationships as dependencies in a pyramidal graph structure, with each pyramidal layer corresponding to a level of the hierarchy. By exploiting modern – trainable – graph pooling operators we show that the hierarchical structure, if not available as a prior, can be learned directly from data, thus obtaining cluster assignments aligned with the forecasting objective. A differentiable reconciliation stage is incorporated into the processing architecture, allowing hierarchical constraints to act both as an architectural bias as well as a regularization element for predictions. Simulation results on representative datasets show that the proposed method compares favorably against the state of the art.


著者 Andrea Cini,Danilo Mandic,Cesare Alippi
発行日 2023-05-30 16:27:25+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク