An Emergency Disposal Decision-making Method with Human–Machine Collaboration


これに基づいて、タスク フィルタリングとタスク スケジューリングの 2 つのフェーズを使用して、計画外のイベントを解決するための人間と機械の協調的な方法を提案します。
GACRNN モデルは、ジョブ ノードの状態を予測し、キー ノードを特定し、マシンが予測する解決タスク リストを生成するために使用されます。
タスクのスケジューリング段階では、人間の経験の制約を統合したスケジューリング アルゴリズムを提案します。
イベントを解決するためのステップは、通常のジョブ シーケンスに挿入され、解決をスケジュールします。


Rapid developments in artificial intelligence technology have led to unmanned systems replacing human beings in many fields requiring high-precision predictions and decisions. In modern operational environments, all job plans are affected by emergency events such as equipment failures and resource shortages, making a quick resolution critical. The use of unmanned systems to assist decision-making can improve resolution efficiency, but their decision-making is not interpretable and may make the wrong decisions. Current unmanned systems require human supervision and control. Based on this, we propose a collaborative human–machine method for resolving unplanned events using two phases: task filtering and task scheduling. In the task filtering phase, we propose a human–machine collaborative decision-making algorithm for dynamic tasks. The GACRNN model is used to predict the state of the job nodes, locate the key nodes, and generate a machine-predicted resolution task list. A human decision-maker supervises the list in real time and modifies and confirms the machine-predicted list through the human–machine interface. In the task scheduling phase, we propose a scheduling algorithm that integrates human experience constraints. The steps to resolve an event are inserted into the normal job sequence to schedule the resolution. We propose several human–machine collaboration methods in each phase to generate steps to resolve an unplanned event while minimizing the impact on the original job plan.


著者 Yibo Guo,Jingyi Xue,Yingkang Zhang,Mingliang Xu
発行日 2023-05-29 15:53:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.HC パーマリンク