Physics Constrained Motion Prediction with Uncertainty Quantification


我々は、力学制約に従う意図と軌道予測からなる 2 段階の統合を提案します。
物理制約付きモーション予測は、自律レーシング データセットを使用した実験で、ベースラインと比較して ADE が 41%、FDE が 56%、IoU が 19% 向上しました。


Predicting the motion of dynamic agents is a critical task for guaranteeing the safety of autonomous systems. A particular challenge is that motion prediction algorithms should obey dynamics constraints and quantify prediction uncertainty as a measure of confidence. We present a physics-constrained approach for motion prediction which uses a surrogate dynamical model to ensure that predicted trajectories are dynamically feasible. We propose a two-step integration consisting of intent and trajectory prediction subject to dynamics constraints. We also construct prediction regions that quantify uncertainty and are tailored for autonomous driving by using conformal prediction, a popular statistical tool. Physics Constrained Motion Prediction achieves a 41% better ADE, 56% better FDE, and 19% better IoU over a baseline in experiments using an autonomous racing dataset.


著者 Renukanandan Tumu,Lars Lindemann,Truong Nghiem,Rahul Mangharam
発行日 2023-05-24 00:46:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク