Networks are Slacking Off: Understanding Generalization Problem in Image Deraining


深層学習における一般的な考え方は、より豊富な画像コンテンツの知識が一般化問題の克服を容易にするという期待とともに、非常に複雑なトレーニング データの使用を奨励しています。
私たちの実験では、トレーニング データの複雑さを単純化することで、ディレイン ネットワークにおけるより良い一般化が達成できることが明らかになりました。


Deep deraining networks, while successful in laboratory benchmarks, consistently encounter substantial generalization issues when deployed in real-world applications. A prevailing perspective in deep learning encourages the use of highly complex training data, with the expectation that a richer image content knowledge will facilitate overcoming the generalization problem. However, through comprehensive and systematic experimentation, we discovered that this strategy does not enhance the generalization capability of these networks. On the contrary, it exacerbates the tendency of networks to overfit to specific degradations. Our experiments reveal that better generalization in a deraining network can be achieved by simplifying the complexity of the training data. This is due to the networks are slacking off during training, that is, learning the least complex elements in the image content and degradation to minimize training loss. When the complexity of the background image is less than that of the rain streaks, the network will prioritize the reconstruction of the background, thereby avoiding overfitting to the rain patterns and resulting in improved generalization performance. Our research not only offers a valuable perspective and methodology for better understanding the generalization problem in low-level vision tasks, but also displays promising practical potential.


著者 Jinjin Gu,Xianzheng Ma,Xiangtao Kong,Yu Qiao,Chao Dong
発行日 2023-05-24 13:27:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク